Sometimes someone disappears from your life and you’re not completely sure why.

It can be frustrating, but it’s part of the game.


If you reach out and try to contact the other person and they stop responding to you, let them go.

You can try reaching out to them at a later time after giving them space.

Typically, if I go on a few dates with a woman and then she starts distancing herself, I sense this and I back off.

If she stops responding to my texts, I go silent too.  I give her space for a few days.  I demonstrate that I’m picking up on her attempts to break away.

I may try to resurrect the conversation in a few different ways after a few days of space:

Humorous text:  “Gasp!  You’re ghosting me!  I hate this cruel world!  I hate myself!  😛  Lol”

Serious text:  “Hey… What happened?  Why did you fall off the radar on me?  Everything OK?”

Random text:  “Ugh… Stressful day at work… Is it Friday yet?”

Text with a little attitude:  “Psh… Have a beautiful life I guess?”

Disappointed text:  “Hey, I’m not going to lie… This sucks.”

Compassionate and understanding text:  “Hey… So I just wanted to wish you well.  I thought we had a really solid connection, but if you’re not feeling it, then what can I do?  🙁  Here if you want to reach out.  Don’t be a stranger.”

You can record an audio file on your phone and send her that expressing one of the above emotions.

You can send her a GIF along with your text.

At the end of the day though, if she falls off the radar on you and a few days later, a week later, or a few weeks later, you try sending one of these texts or some variation, and she doesn’t respond, it’s time to stop texting her completely.


She’s telling you that she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore. 


Swallow the bitter pill and move on.  Work on yourself and maybe you’ll cross paths with her again in the future.  Hopefully then, you’ll be a better version of yourself and things work out.  Grasping too hard at someone that’s moving away from you doesn’t work, though.  You’re only pushing them further away in most cases.

Most women aren’t going to break down everything they don’t like about you.  They’re not going to cut you down like that.  They just start tapering away if it’s early enough and they’re not really committed to you.  Or they’ll just tell you something vague like, “I’m sorry, but this isn’t working for me.”

Short post today.